Saikat fundraising helped Baby Tai recover from injury from violent head-on collision

The Ghosh family was travelling from Las Vegas to Grand Canyon on the 27th of February, 2016 when they fell victim to a violent head-on collision. Most notable was the injury suffered by their 13-month old daughter Baby Tai who has a fractured vertebra in her spinal cord as well as multiple fractures in the arm, leg and collar bone. Saikat immediately organized Donate4Tai, a charitable fundraising drive to help baby Tai.
Saikat received a message from Sumona Bhattacharya on August 3rd, 2016 with update on baby Tai.
The Message
To the 1798 well wishers who helped raise $99758 for Baby Tai. I wanted to reach out to you one last time and say a big big thank you for your continued support and blessings. Our beloved Baby Tai is markedly better but is likely to undergo surgery to get her spine fused properly, if the C collar fails to do so. The results from the HALO came in short of expectations. Baby Tai is now a toddler itching to get back on her feet and explore her surroundings. Unfortunately she is still wheelchair bound and is able to put a little bit of weight on her legs when in a walker. She is now 19 months old!! In the meantime, both mother and daughter continue with their weekly therapy sessions. Tai is slowly coming out of her shell and is happy to be in the presence of people. They longer scare her. Having her grandparents here have been a huge value add. Mou is still not completely healed and walks with the assistance of her cane when the pain is unbearable. Her broken clavicle and ribs seems to be getting better with each passing day. Atanu is back at work and thankful for the miracle and for the gift of life. Without the financial and emotional support from everyone who rallied together and stood by them, they would never have come this far. On the legal side, the Viper Law group continues to negotiate medical and other related expenses. They are hoping to get this to closure in the next couple of months. The team was a God send when we most needed some guidance on the next steps and what-if's. They took total ownership of the legalities associated with the accident. Periodic updates will continue to be posted on For me personally, this whole experience has been an exercise in humility and patience. I have met some incredible people along the way and have forged relationships that will last me a lifetime. I now believe in the power of hope, in the power of encouragement, in the power of miracles and in the power of prayer. This fundraising effort will be closed at the end of the week. Please feel to reach out to me if you had any questions. Thank you again for joining me in this journey - where we collectively transformed a tragedy to a story the Ghosh family will live to tell, and all of us will be an integral part of those memories. Sumona